Starting the Year
On August 29th, the 2019-2020 class was welcomed through the doors of the International Center of European Football.
It’s all new to them now, but they are getting accustomed to their new and rigorous routines. New environment, new teammates and classmates, new coaches, culture, new ways of training and preparing their bodies. But, they are making great progress as the clock ticks.
Our residents are discovering European excellence, the ICEF excellence. Wake up. Breakfast. School. Eat. Rest. Train. Rest. Socialize. Sleep. Repeat.
They have been introduced to their academic programs at the private school Sainte Croix des Neiges, to their professional football programs and coaches at the center, and some players have already integrated trainings with Thonon Evian Grand Genève FC. Our residents have also taken trips to the cities of Thonon and Evian, drank pure spring water in Evian and participated in a cultural fair in Thonon.
It’s a new schedule, a new lifestyle, that will soon be routine. Soon as well, the new environment will feel like home.
It’s back to school time at the international center and it’s time to get on the field and in the classroom.
Talented today, unstoppable tomorrow.